Are you looking for financial returns?.

Are you looking for financial returns? Maybe you should evaluate investing in LUXURY bags…

With most of the financial market roiling, luxury goods (especially high-end designer handbags) are becoming a hotly sought-after investment. A recent study from The Business of Fashion said 40% of US consumers had bought or were planning to buy one, helping bolster the category from a global market of $72 billion this 2022 to a predicted $100 billion in 2026.

Personal luxury goods have attributes that make them ideal as an investment. By definition, they are scarce products (this increases their desirability) and, contrary to what happens with “fast fashion”, they are timeless, which allows them to become classics, with a high value as “pre-loved” items.

Find in the comments a Bloomberg LP Middle Edition article delivering great insights about this topic.

Louis Vuitton boutique in Panama City.

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